General Information
Your hospital admission will be arranged by your doctor who will inform you of the date.
The hospital will phone you to confirm your admission time from 2pm the day prior to your admission.
On arrival at Nepean Private Hospital please report to the main reception where you will be directed to your relevant unit.
Nepean Private Hospital has both private and shared rooms each with an ensuite.
Our rooms all have:
- Nurse call facilities
- Personal bedside televisions with radio
- Telephones (local calls free of charge)
- Complimentary newspapers available.
Overnight patient discharge
Discharge time is between 9.00am and 10.00am.
We ask that you make arrangements to be picked up accordingly.
If you are unable to leave hospital at this time, you may be asked to vacate your room and wait in a patient lounge.
Day surgery patients
Any day surgical patient must be discharged into the care of a responsible adult. It is recommended that you remain in their care post discharge for 24 hours.
Our day surgery staff will contact your carer with an appropriate discharge time.
Things NOT TO DO for the first 24 hours after leaving hospital:
- Use any dangerous machinery and tools
- Sign any legal documents
- Drink alcohol
- Activities which requires coordination and/or a high level of alertness
- Drive a motor vehicle. Motor vehicle insurance policies may be void in the event of an accident.
N.B Your doctor will advise if the time frame varies on any of the above activities.
It is not recommended that patients bring in electrical items i.e. hair dryers, electric shavers and radios.
If there is an electrical item that you will require during your stay, our Maintenance Department are required to check the equipment prior to usage.
Patients may use computers but there is no provision for internet access.
There is no responsibility accepted by the hospital for loss or damage to your personal computer.
Insured patients and private health insurance
Nepean Private Hospital has agreements with the majority of private health funds to cover the hospital charges for your admission.
Depending on your level of cover, some policies require you to pay an excess or co-payment and you will be asked to pay this prior to, or on admission.
In addition, health fund policies require members to serve waiting periods before they will provide cover, and some levels of cover have excluded services.
Pre-existing ailment rules may also apply and your cover may be subject to these rules. We therefore strongly recommend that you contact your health fund to confirm your cover prior to your admission.
Your account for hospitalisation will include your accommodation and theatre fees and other chargeable items in accordance with Healthscope's current fee agreement with your health fund.
You will be asked to complete and sign a health insurance claim form on admission. We will submit your claim directly to your health fund on your behalf.
It is important that you know that in the event that your health fund rejects your claim for reimbursement for any reason, the hospital will seek to recover any amounts outstanding from you. This is why it is important that you check your level of cover with your health fund prior to admission.
Self funded / without private health fund cover
If you are a self funded patient you may be required to pay an estimate of the total amount of the hospital account prior to admission to confirm your booking or the estimated total cost on admission.
You will be required to pay any positive difference in your account on discharge. If the amount paid by you was in excess of the amount required to cover the cost of your care you will receive a refund from the hospital.
Estimated hospital costs will be provided prior to your admission by your Doctor or the hospital. We endeavour at all times to provide an accurate estimate, but unforeseen circumstances can occur and additional costs may be incurred.
Workcover / Worksafe / Third Party Insurance
If your admission is as a result of a Workcover / Worksafe, Third Party or Public Liability claim, the hospital will require prior written approval for your admission from the relevant insurance company. Your admission cannot be confirmed or proceed until this approval is received.
Any claims that have not been approved by the insurance company will be treated as a self funded admission and the estimated hospital costs will be payable by you.
Payment methods prior to or on admission The hospital accepts cash, bank cheques, money orders, EFTPOS, Visa and MasterCard for any amounts payable. A credit card surcharge of 1.5% applies for VISA and MasterCard. Personal cheques are not accepted.
If choosing to pay by EFTPOS, please note that most financial institutions have a daily limit of $1,000.
Nepean Private Hospital's front office staff will be pleased to answer any questions you may have in relation to patient fees on 02 4732 7333.
All your meals will be freshly prepared in the hospital’s kitchen.
Catering staff will visit you daily and issue a menu from which you can select your meals.
The meals are prepared in consultation with the hospital dietitian who is available to attend to any special dietary requirements.
Please inform the catering staff if you require a special diet and ensure to inform your nurse on admission.
Special diet requirements are also listed on your menu for selection.
During your hospital stay your doctor may request that you have a specific diet. This diet is related to your clinical condition and/or your stage of recovery, and is aimed to aid your path to a full recovery.
To assist with communication, phone interpreters can be arranged for non-english speaking patients and/or their carers.
A fee may be charged to patients for this service. Please notify your nurse if this service is required.
Incoming mail is sorted and distributed each weekday.
Mail for discharged patients will be readdressed and forwarded.
Stamped mail may be handed to reception staff for posting.
Ministers of religion are available and will visit you upon request and requests can be made to nursing staff.
Patients are asked to leave valuables at home.
If you inadvertently arrive with jewelry, large amounts of money or any other valuables, please ask family members to take them home.
If this is not possible, please let the Nurse Unit Manager of your ward know so that valuables can be recorded and secured.
Train: Kingswood train station is located within a 10 minute walk.
Buses: are located on Derby Street opposite the public hospital.
Taxi: A taxi phone is located in the front reception area should you require one.
Nepean Private Hospital is very proud to acknowledge our veterans.
Please identify yourself and staff will inform our Veterans' Liaison Officer who is available to assist with any needs or enquiries.
A visit from the RSL can be arranged if desired by you.
- Casual day clothing and appropriate footwear.
- Current medications
- Nightwear, dressing gown, slippers
- Toiletries, tissues, hairdryer, personal need.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Plan
Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
Clinical bedside handover
Clostridium difficile factsheet
Falls prevention
Hand hygiene for patients and visitors
Healthcare Associated Infections Consumer factsheet
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) factsheet
Prevention of pressure injuries
Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) factsheet
Veteran's patient information