For labour and birth
Don’t forget to pack anything that’ll help you be more comfortable during labour; music, oils, a TENS machine. You and your partner/support person will have access to refreshments, but are welcome to bring your own if you wish.
- Antenatal card, Medicare card and private health fund details
- Loose comfortable clothes and maternity bras
- Comfortable footwear
- Toiletries, a packet of maternity pads as well as three – four packets of pads, tissues
- Reading material
- Mobile phone and charger
- Favourite pillow
Your partner will also need to bring a bag and a suggested list includes the following:
- Change of clothes
- Toiletries
- Pyjamas or some form of sleepwear if planning to stay
- Swimming costume in case they are needed in the bath or shower with you
- Camera, phone and chargers and spare memory cards
- Covered shoes. In the event that you need to go to the Operating Theatre they will need to wear covered shoes.
- Change for the vending machines
All clothing, nappies, wipes and linen is provided for your baby. You will however need the following:
- Clothing and a wrap to take the baby home
- Correctly fitted rear facing car seat