Visitor Information
[Last updated 8 May 2023]
As the safety of our patients and staff remains our highest priority, we continue to maintain safe protocols on site, including physical distancing and hand hygiene.
Please note visiting hours are now:
- Monday to Friday 11.00am to 12.00pm and 4.00pm to 8.00pm
- Saturday to Sunday 11.00am to 3.00pm
Please note that in areas of the hospital where our patients are at higher risk or receiving higher levels of care, there may be additional restrictions and precautions.
Visitors will not be able to attend our hospital if they:
- have any clinical flu like symptoms or COVID-19;
- are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.
Please speak to your care team if you have any questions. The safety of our patients and staff is our highest priority, so please be considerate of other patients and staff during your stay.
Car parking:
Car parking is available for patients and visitors off Barber Avenue, this park has associated fees.
Two hour council run carpark available opposite hospital.
Bus: Regular bus services operate along the Main Road.
Train: The nearest train station is situated at Kingswood.
Taxi: To book a Taxi use our dedicated Taxi phone line located in our Reception, this service is free of charge
Nepean Private Hospital is committed to delivering the highest quality of health care in an environment that is constantly striving to exceed the expectation of you as our customer.
Feedback systems are part of our quality improvement program and enhance our service by:
- Identifying areas that need improvement
- Providing opportunity to individually meet your needs
- Giving our customers an opportunity to have their legitimate complaints considered within a clearly defined process
Feedback can be made by:
Discussing issues with the
- Nurse Unit Manager of your ward
- After Hours Manager (AHM) of the hospital
Or by completing a patient impression survey and placing it in the box provided at the nurse’s station.
- If unresolved, the Nurse Unit Manager/After hours manager will elevate the complaint to the Hospital Executive (General Manager and Director of Nursing)
- The Hospital Executive will discuss the issues with you if you contact the office on 02 4725 8600, or make it known to the Nurse Unit Manager/After hours manager that you wish to speak with one of the Executive
- Compliments or complaints may also be made in writing to the General Manager or the Director of Nursing via email or mail to Locked Bag 8014 Penrith NSW 2751.
You are also able to involve the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission in your complaint if you wish to have an independent body involved in the resolution process.
Toll free: 1800 043 159 hccc@hccc.nsw.gov.au
All concerns are taken seriously by Nepean Private Hospital and will be investigated.
Smoking: To protect the health of our patients, visitors and staff at the Nepean Private Hospital, buildings, grounds, walkways, entrances and car parks are smoke free.
Smoking is prohibited on our grounds and compliance is a condition of entry to our hospital. If you would like further assistance on how to stop smoking contact your GP or call New Quit-line on 131 848 NSW Health or Quit-line 137 848 Cancer Institute NSW.
Alcohol: Visitors or patients are not to bring alcohol into the hospital.
Refreshments, Newspapers and Magazines can be purchased from The Red Cherry Coffee Shop in the Specialist Centre on the ground floor Monday – Friday 7.30am to 4.00pm.
Newspapers are also available on all wards.