Maternity means partners too
Your partner is most welcome to stay with you for the first night to provide assistance and support, and develop your relationship as a family. If they wish to stay longer there’s a fee of $85 per night which includes their meals and accommodation. This fee may be claimable from some health funds.
If you wish to stay overnight, for security purposes, please let your midwife or nurse know. We ask you to please wear suitable night attire in the evening and clothing at other times. This includes footwear to walk around the ward and hospital. Please remember that a midwife, nurse or staff member may enter your room at any time during the day or night. Children are not allowed to stay overnight. Please only use your mobile phone in your room.
Rooming in with your baby
We encourage rooming in which means having your baby at your bedside during your stay. When family and friends visit we recommend they don’t handle the baby. Although babies are asleep they become tired when handled and may become unsettled and irritable. We can assist you managing this with your visitors.
Baby identification bands
Your baby’s security is paramount and we make all efforts to ensure a safe environment. Baby will have two identification bands on two limbs soon after birth. Mothers will wear an additional matching wrist band.
Newborn screening test
This test is performed on all babies born in Australia once they are 48-hours old. The procedure involves taking three spots of blood from baby’s heel. It is a screening test used to detect medical conditions that, unless treated, can affect your baby’s development. It is not a diagnostic tool.
Hearing test
The NSW Statewide Infant Screening Hearing (SWISH) program is offered to all babies to identify permanent hearing loss before 6 months of age. It is a 10–20 minute test usually taken as soon as possible after birth.
Personal Health Record Book (Blue Book)
Your baby’s Blue Book is given to you after the birth and needs to stay with baby during your hospital stay so we can complete medical records prior to discharge. Your baby’s growth, development, medical history and immunisations will be recorded in their Blue Book. Please remember to take this with you to all of your baby’s future health appointments.
We provide you with the forms and instructions for claiming maternity allowance and registering the birth of your baby online. You have 60 days to register your baby’s birth at www.bdm.nsw.gov.au.
Personalised care board
We use a personalised care board in your room, as another way to keep you and your family involved in your care. This is updated regularly by our health professionals. Please use it. Expect to jot down reminders and questions to ask your doctor or midwife.
Private Dining. A menu that’s absolutely delicious.
We don’t do hospital food. Instead, we take pride in serving you a scrumptious menu that’s an indulgence of fresh ingredients, deliciously inspired meals and exquisite treats.
Our executive chef-created menu includes:
- breakfast, lunch and dinner
- morning and afternoon tea with a selection of tempting sweets and savouries
- kitchen larder stocked with quality snacks to enjoy overnight.
If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know.
Breakfast 7:30am - 7:45am
Lunch 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Dinner 5:30pm - 6:00pm
We provide meals for partners when mums are in the Birthing Suite. When on the ward you can order a meal for your partner at a small cost from reception.
Servicing your room
We aim for hotel standards in terms of cleanliness of your room. If you need towels changed, additional toiletries or the room cleaned, just let us know.