Our Robotic Surgical Assistant
Orthopaedic surgeons at Nepean Private have access to the ROSA robotic total knee replacement system. The ROSA robot is the latest cutting edge technology in total knee arthroplasty.
Collecting information before and during surgery, ROSA works closely with the surgical team to create a more personalised approach to complex surgery with an overall aim being improved patient comfort, recovery and satisfaction. The ROSA offers a combination ofcutting-edge technologies including computer navigation, soft tissue balancing, 3D modelling and robotics in one package. ROSA represents our ongoing commitment to providing the most up-to-date technology and equipment, alongside first class compassionate, highly skilled and excellent care.

Our surgeons using ROSA
Dr Quang Dao
Hip & Knee; Sports Medicine
105-119 Longstaff Avenue
Chipping Norton NSW 2170
T 02 9821 2599
F 02 9821 2596
Dr Terence Moopanar
Shoulder & Elbow
Suite 4/119-121 Lethbridge Street
Penrith NSW 2750
T 02 4731 4855
F 02 9060 6203
Dr Eli Olschewski
Hip & Knee
Suite 7, Level 3, 84-88 Parker St
Kingswood NSW 2747
T 02 8004 0701
F 02 8583 3155
Dr Pavitar Sunner
Hip & Knee
Suite 13b, 1a Barber Avenue
Kingswood NSW 2747
T 02 4731 8466
F 02 4731 8488